Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Welcome to Listening With Love

Welcome to my blog, Listening With Love. I’ve wondered why I’ve gone through so many challenging situations during my life, and I’ve realized that I had to experience and learn from each of them in order to truly be of service. If you’re reading this, perhaps you’re now going through a challenging situation of your own. I offer my wisdom, my compassion, and my experience to assist you on your path.

I have learned many healing modalities . I am a Master /Teacher in two Angelic healing modalities: Integrated Energy Therapyr and Igilism . I am a nondenominational Ordained Minister in The Sanctuary of The Beloved . I interpret the Sacred Cards of Love and Destiny..I am a Geriatric Care Specialist; I acquired my experience by caring for a stepfather with Alzheimer’s Disease and a mother with water on the brain. I am a Feng Shui Consultant, specializing in assisting people in selling their houses and attracting love relationships. I enjoy variety, and I love doing all the work that I do. Above all, I enjoy helping people feel good about themselves. It’s important for me to create a safe space for others in transition, and because I know how important it is to know that someone cares when I’ve gone through tough times, I want others to know there’s a compassionate someone just a phone call away who understands and offers support. I am here to Listen With Love, and I am here to provide spiritual guidance through your growth process. My faith has always carried me to where I needed to go, and my faith has helped me grow.

I appreciate your visiting my blog. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, or for further information, I can be reached at

Let a Human Angel embrace you with love…

No medical claims are made as to the effect or outcome of this treatment approach. This work should be viewed as a complement to, rather than a replacement for, traditional medical approaches. Each person is encouraged to be responsible in the use and choice of professional medical or psychological healing assistance as needed.

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